Tuesday 19 April 2011

Aurora Borealis in HD

March 24, 2011 — Take 22,000 high-definition photographs, a geomagnetic storm and some incredible talent and what do you get? A two-minute video of the Aurora Borealis as you’ve never seen it before.
Photographer Terje Sorgjerd braved -25 degree Celsius (-15 F) temperatures to capture this mesmerizing collection of photographs. Then, by assembling the 22,000 photos, he created a time-lapse video of the rich color and dynamic shapes of the Northern Lights that would normally be difficult to see. Adding the atmospheric Hans Zimmer/Lisa Gerrard song “Now We Are Free” from the movie
Gladiator to the mix, and Sorgjerd has created a masterpiece.
BIG PIC: Iceland Volcano Erupts With Stunning Aurora Backdrop

The Aurora from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.
Having lived on the
Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard (high in the Arctic circle) for 5 months, I had first-hand knowledge of trying to photograph the aurora erupting above my head, with limited results. Mild frostbite and many blurred photos later, I returned to my research rather than taking up sub-zero photography professionally. I have the utmost respect for what Sorgjerd has achieved here.

Editor’s Note: from http://news.discovery.com/ 

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