Tuesday 19 April 2011

Mother Nature Medicine - Sheep Sorrel

(Rumex acetosella) has been a folk remedy for cancer for centuries

Sheep Sorrel belongs to the buckwheat family, and grows wild throughout most of the world. It seeks open pastures, rocky areas, and the shoulders of country roads. It is considered to be a common weed throughout the U.S.

 Sheep Sorrel plants have been a folk remedy for cancer for centuries, both in Europe and America. Researchers have observed that it can help break down tumors and it can alleviate some chronic conditions and degenerative diseases.

Sheep sorrel is a rich source of oxalic acid, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. The combination of these vitamins and minerals promote the glandular health of the entire body. Sheep Sorrell also contains carotenoids and chlorophyll, as well as citric, malic, and tannic and tartaric acids.

The chlorophyll can serve many functions in the body. For one, it carries oxygen throughout the bloodstream. This is significant because cancer cells cannot live in the presence of oxygen. Chlorophyll closely resembles hemoglobin in its functioning: both are capable of carrying oxygen to every cell of the organism. When chlorophyll molecules carry oxygen through the bloodstream chromosome damage can be inhibited to effectively block cancer. Chlorophyll also helps block germs and harmful bacteria.

Chlorophyll also can help patients cope better with chemotherapy and radiation treatments. It can reduce the damage of radiation burns and increase the resistance to X-rays. Also, chlorophyll can improve cardiovascular health. Chlorophyll also can purify the liver, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the growth of new tissues. Sheep sorrel also contains silicon, which is a necessary element in nerves and the myelin sheath that covers them.

Besides the properties listed above, sheep sorrel is a digestive regulator, meaning that it can act as an anti-diarrhea agent as well as a laxative, depending on the health of the digestive tract. Sheep sorrel is a cleansing agent, a diuretic, and a detoxifier. Due to the high vitamin C content, it has also been used to treat Scurvy. The oxalic acid in sheep sorrel combines with calcium to aid in its digestive assimilation and it stimulates the intestines, thus helping a sluggish gut regain normal functioning. Oxalic acid also seems to promote faster blood coagulation time, which makes it helpful to control hemorrhages. The herb also contains several anthraquinones that are effective antioxidants and radical scavengers, again helping with cancer treatment.

Sheep sorrel was considered the most active herb in essiac for stimulating cellular regeneration, detoxification and cleansing, based on reports by Rene Caisse and her doctor colleague Dr. Charles Brusch. The two did studies with mice bearing abnormal growths on the original eight herb formula at the Cambridge Medical Research center a couple of decades ago.

A side benefit is that sheep sorrel contains significant levels of phytoestrogens similar to the isoflavone phytoestrogens common to red clover, licorice and soy. These phytoestrogens are known for their health promoting properties.

Sheep sorrel has no known side effects in the doses recommended for eight herb essiac tea.

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